Tips for Seeing Enemy Targets on the Ground While Flying in a Plane in Battlefield V


So you can’t see stuff on the ground while flying in Battlefield V?

I can help you with that!

Theres two things you need to keep in mind, settings and techniques. First, let me show you some settings that will help.

Settings That Will Improve Target Visibility From Planes While Flying And Help You See Better

I’ve noticed that these settings on this screen sometimes revert to default when I update my Nvidia drivers or when Battlefield V has an update. Always check these settings after updating. If you’re having trouble seeing, check these settings first.

I’ve noticed that these settings on this screen sometimes revert to default when I update my Nvidia drivers or when Battlefield V has an update. Always check these settings after updating. If you’re having trouble seeing, check these settings first.


You should also create a user.cfg file and add the following setting:

WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0

Adding this setting to the user.cfg file AND setting Motion Blur to 1% will completely disable Antialiasing Post-Processing, making the entire world more sharp. It may cause some odd visual side effects depending on your system and GPU.

Tips and techniques for seeing enemy targets on the ground from a plane without being able to see them well or at all (in no particular order)

  1. Beyond about 450 meters or so, (and especially in ADS), you will see infantry on the ground rendered completely in white. It is a blessing and a curse since as soon as you pass closer than 450 meters or so, infantry will seemingly disappear as their skins/camo suddenly render.

  2. I look at the HUD at the top of the screen to see what flags my team is in the process of losing, and I look at those flags for targets.

  3. If I see a flag is changing hands and I can’t see anyone down there, I will very often just take a shot at the area right around the flag itself. Lots of people tend to hang out very close to the flag.

  4. Enemy vehicles sometimes don’t render in for me, so I’m always looking out for tracer fire relative to squamates and blueberries.

    1. I try to figure out where the tracer fire is coming from and shoot at what I think is the origin of the tracer fire, even if I don’t see anything there.

    2. I look for incoming tracers in response to outgoing friendly tracer fire

    3. I look to see if outgoing friendly tracer fire intersects anywhere

    4. I look behind me as I leave the target area for tracer fire coming toward me

  5. I look for vehicles on roads (conversely, I never drive anything on roads anymore if I can help it). Vehicles stand out very well on roads.

  6. I look for vehicles reloading or repairing at ammo depots

  7. I look for vehicles in the vicinity of ammo depots that are moving toward the depot. They’re either low on ammo or need repairs

  8. I check the most likely paths of movement between flags

  9. Typically as I fly into the target area, AA will let me get as close as they can stand it before opening up on me, but will shoot at me as soon as I turn away. To spot these guys ahead of time, while on my way into the target area I’ll make an abrupt 180 then look behind me and note where the AA is coming from

  10. If I’m flying as wingman, I watch for anything that attacks the lead plane and act immediately and aggressively to take out the threat while the lead plane draws fire.

I hope these settings and tips make it easier for you to see targets while flying planes in Battlefield V. Got any tips you’d like to share? Drop them in the comments. Good Hunting!

Something Really Fishy Is Going On With The Numbers On

Something strange is going on with the ranks over on

Since I switched from Xbox to PC last June, I’ve been watching my numbers there pretty closely to track my progress. A few weeks ago my pilot rank was in the top .4% on Origin. Then for a few days my rank bounced between .4% and .3%, and as recently as a day or so was steady at .3%.

Here’s a screenshot from January 12th, 2021, just 23 days ago:


Now, I typically play daily. The last few weeks have been pretty rough with hackers and stacks and only six West Coast US servers up when I play, and the rounds have been really tough. Also note that in the 23 days between screenshots, I’ve spent over 48 hours alone flying planes. Take a look at my numbers from this morning:


As you can see, my Pilot Score went up by over 400,000 points, but my rank on the Pilot Score leaderboard went down from 0.4% to 0.6%.

My Kills went up by 1,300 but my rank on the Pilot Kills leaderboard went down from 0.3% to 0.4%.

My Score Per Minute went up slightly, and my Score/min rank stayed the same. Makes sense.

Check this out though… my Kills Per Minute stayed the same at 0.80 but my Kills Per Minute Rank dropped from 6% to 12%!!!

What The Hell Is Going On?

Well, it could mean that an unusually large number of pilots that are ranked at or around my level or higher have started playing again and scoring lots of points, so much so that they’ve managed to push my rank down in spite of the fact that I play daily. That would be really strange.

It’s more likely though that there’s some kind of problem with the way the data is being handled or reconciled at I’m going to reach out to their support team to see if they’ve seen anything unusual or to check to see if there’s something happening on their end.

But gosh, with all the hacking that I’ve seen going on in Battlefield V - I see it daily - I have to wonder if some new flying hack has entered the wild.

Stay tuned on this one…

Kaiser's Mighty Cavalcade of Battlefield V Plane Specializations

I’ve got a ridiculous number of hours flying planes in Battlefield V across console and PC. Honestly, with all the time I’ve spent in the air, it is very possible that I’ve shot you down, blown up your tank, ruined your AA shenanigans, or simply blew you to kingdom come while you were shitting in the bushes as infantry on whatever map many, many times.

So, here it is, all of my plane specialization selections for every airplane in Battlefield V. There’s a few in here that I’m still trying to figure out and sometimes I get bored and mess with these things but these are my default, go-to, tried and true specialization selections. Feel free to try these out and let me know in the comments how they work for you.

United Kingdom




The Source Of The Intermittent Crackling Has Been Found!


What was the problem?

About a week ago, at the beginning of a stream, there were some fairly loud, intermittent bursts of static audible to both the audience and myself. I cycled power on everything, jiggled all my cables, and generally made an unbelievable hash out of everything. As suddenly as the problem appeared, it went away.

The impression I had was that it was almost as if my streaming rig was picking up some kind of radio interference from somewhere. What with all the protests that had been going on in the Seattle area at the time, it was possible that someone was flying something around generating some kind of radio interference that my rig was picking up.

The problem was not easy to troubleshoot as the static was episodic and very unpredictable. Until yesterday when during a daytime practice session, the static was more persistent than it had ever been.

How did I figure it out?

With the rig fired up, I turned on both Loopback and the Focusrite Control apps as well as OBS so that I could see the static appear on the meters. Then I turned off the power to the Focusrite Clarett 4Pre USB, and waited. after about five minutes with no static, I turned the Clarett back on and immediately heard static.

I unplugged the cable from the microphone and waited. Static. Unplugged the cable from the Cloudlifter. Static. Unplugged the TRS cable from the Presonus Studio Channel to the Clarett… no static. Plugged it back in, static. Turned off the Studio Channel… no static.

I bypassed the Studio Channel completely by plugging in the cable from the Cloudlifter directly to the Clarett, no static.

I then hooked up the Studio Channel once again, heard the static again. I decided to connect the Studio Channel to the Clarett via XLR cable instead of the TRS cable and… static.

Great… Now what?

The original reason I got the Studio Channel was that I wanted to have compression and EQ happen before my mic signal got to OBS so that I could monitor the quality of the signal before it was sent out via OBS. And I got super lucky, purchasing it used for $70. They cost about $350 new, so… spending another $350 on a new Studio Channel right now after just dropping several grand on a new PC gaming rig would be really painful.

I connected the microphone chain to the Clarett and retired the Studio Channel to the floor behind the green screen. Then, in OBS, I enabled the Focusrite Red 3 Compressor VST Plugin that I installed ages ago but never used. I spent some time tuning the compression, and it sounded pretty darned good.

The Focusrite Red 3 Compressor VST Plugin running in OBS.

The Focusrite Red 3 Compressor VST Plugin running in OBS.

The neat thing about this VST plugin is that it automatically runs every time I run OBS. I’ve got it set to open up each time OBS runs so that I can gaze at it’s awesomeness.

And then OF COURSE I did a test!

I didn’t do a test stream but I did do a quick test recording. After a few very minor tweaks, it’s running perfectly.

What do you need “Compression” for, anyway?

An audio signal will sound crunchy and distorted in the mix if the signal suddenly spikes in volume, like when I suddenly yell when I get sniped out of the cockpit of my plane. A compressor listens to an audio signal and when it goes over a given level, it compresses the signal at a given rate to prevent the signal from getting too loud, preventing those sudden spikes of loudness from blowing out your eardrums.

Are you gonna replace the Presonus Studio Channel?

I took a listen to the full stream from last night and I gotta say, it sounds REALLY damned good without the Studio Channel in the audio chain. I think I may have been ever so slightly double pre-amping my mic. Now that that’s gone, the ever so slight hiss that I used to hear is gone, the faint small intermittent fuzzies that I used to hear are gone, and the sudden interference is gone.

I’m left with this unbelievably pure, amazing sounding signal off my ElectroVoice RE20 mic that to me sounds out of this world. I was noticing depth in the signal that I’ve never heard before.

I’m also thinking of routing things using Loopback so that I can hear the full audio signal after OBS, but I’m not sure if it’s really what I want to listen to during broadcasts. First I think there’ll be a delay, and second I’m not sure the audio quality of that post OBS mix would be anything near to what I’m hearing right now before OBS.

But I get antsy about such things so… you know how that tends to go…

What about the sponsors on the Studio Channel?

I might just try to get the darned thing fixed because replacing it is darned expensive. If that doesn’t happen, I think I might remove the cover, cut out the piece with the names on it, and put it on my desk under the monitor. I’m not totally sold on this yet but something cool will definitely happen. Stay tuned!

Razer Wolverine Ultimate Wired Controller Not Working In Battlefield V On PC Fix Found


I just recently replaced my Xbox One X with a fancy new PC, and my understanding was that all I needed to do to get my Razer Wolverine Ultimate wired controller running on the PC was to simply plug it in.

Of course it did not work.

After much troubleshooting and research, here’s how I fixed it.

  1. In Windows 10, go to Device Manager > Xbox 360 Peripherals > Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver For Windows > Right Click > Disable Device

  2. A dialog box will appear that says, “Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Do you really want to disable it? > Yes

  3. You’ll get a little spinner and then another dialog box that will appear and say, “Your hardware settings have changed. you must restart your computer for these changes to take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now? > Yes

After the reboot, run Battlefield V (or whatever flavor Battlefield you prefer) and your controller should immediately be working in the menus.

You should now be good to go!

After Action Report - OBS, Cam Settings… What the hell happened last night?

Screen Shot 2020-06-21 at 4.48.33 PM.png

Don’t Panic

No one knows you’re shitting your pants

What was I trying to do?

During the day, I was troubleshooting the cam and mic audio drifting out of sync issue. The problem is when my camera is set to 720p60fps and there’s lots of action happening in game, the cam and mic audio drift out of sync. When the action dies down, the cam video and mic audio come back into sync.

My hypothesis was if I went to 1080p30fps I could get the quality I was looking for without over-taxing the usb bus.

Here’s what I did:

  • In OBS I set the cam source to 1080p, 30fps.

  • I disconnected the Brio camera from my CalDigit hub and used an adapter to connect it to my MacBook Pro directly

Here’s what I did not do:

  • Test the changes in a stream

Here’s what happened:

  • I went live and immediately noticed intermittent audio static interference.

  • I began wiggling every cable within reach 

  • I cycled power on everything nearby

  • I cycled the power of the entire streaming rig

  • I went behind my rig and wiggled every cable

By haphazardly troubleshooting by power cycling bits and pieces of the rig one at a time, wiggling some cables while unplugging and plugging in others, I created a cascading nightmare of additional issues across the entire rig, more issues than I can recall. I even managed to pop out my right knee during all this. It popped right back in, thankfully.

I did manage to eventually recover, after stopping and restarting the stream at least twice. 

What caused the static?

I’m actually not sure. It could have been that I’d overloaded the USB bus in a completely different way. It could have been that plugging in the cam via the dongle caused the problem, and unplugging it while OBS was running made things worse. The long and the short of it is I don’t really know. After rolling back the changes I made during the day, everything was ok… ok enough.

Now what?

After some more research and looking at my previous research, I did the following today:

  • I updated the Camera Settings app from Logitech. The version I had was 2.0.20 and the most recent version is 3.1.Something. There’s no auto update and the software was way out of date.

  • I disabled auto focus in the Camera Settings. According to many folks, having this enabled introduces all kinds of lag (I also wanted to disable auto white balance as well, for the same reason as disabling auto focus. After fiddling with settings I could not get the colors to look as good when auto white balance was enabled - PLUS - every so often the colors would shit over to blue, I’d turn blue, and my chromakey would turn off. I turned auto white balance back on and decided “not to go there.”)

  • In OBS, I changed the input format from “Auto” to MJPEG. Folks on the internets say there’s just something about having it on Auto that causes lag issues and explicitly changing this setting to MJPEG is supposed to fix it.

  • In OBS, I bumped the frame rate on the Brio to 60fps from 30fps. The image looks so much better, there’s no blur, and the chromakey is more accurate. I really need 60fps to keep using this camera, goddamnit.


I fired up a test stream and had Lara watching on her phone and also looking at OBS. I played for about an hour. In the past I’ve noticed the audio sync issue happens when I’m flying, so I flew on the test range at low level and high speed, then switched to driving at high speed in a jeep. Then I jumped into a live match and played a round of Underground. There was no static and no sync issues.

What’s Next?

I will change NOTHING for at least a week and see if the issue comes back. If it does, I’ll troubleshoot it from there.

Advice From Howard Stern


From John Brubaker, “Howard Stern’s Priceless Advice”:

Back in 2012, a guy named Evan from Burlington Vermont called Stern’s show to give Howard constructive criticism about the show. Here’s a portion of the transcript that illustrates my point.

Evan: “I want to give constructive criticism on the show.”

Stern: “Not necessary.”

Evan: “It is. You need feedback.”

Stern: “No I don’t. I don’t need any feedback. If I listened to feedback, I’d be doomed. Your feedback is irrelevant.”

Evan: “How dare you.”

Stern: “For my entire career I didn’t ask people their opinion on my show. I don’t care what you think. I care what I think.”

Evan: “That’s hurtful!”

Stern: “The way I became an innovator was to IGNNOORRRE the feedback.”

Evan: “Yes you do care what I think.”

Stern: “No you’re irrelevant. A show that everyone loves is not my show. Most people don’t like my show.”

(The caller then proceeds to tell Howard to F off and they hang up)

Life Advice From Werner Herzog


From Paul Cronin’s book, “Werner Herzog — A Guide For The Perplexed,” via Kottke:

1. Always take the initiative.
2. There is nothing wrong with spending a night in jail if it means getting the shot you need.
3. Send out all your dogs and one might return with prey.
4. Never wallow in your troubles; despair must be kept private and brief.
5. Learn to live with your mistakes.
6. Expand your knowledge and understanding of music and literature, old and modern.
7. That roll of unexposed celluloid you have in your hand might be the last in existence, so do something impressive with it.
8. There is never an excuse not to finish a film.
9. Carry bolt cutters everywhere.
10. Thwart institutional cowardice.
11. Ask for forgiveness, not permission.
12. Take your fate into your own hands.
13. Learn to read the inner essence of a landscape.
14. Ignite the fire within and explore unknown territory.
15. Walk straight ahead, never detour.
16. Manoeuvre and mislead, but always deliver.
17. Don’t be fearful of rejection.
18. Develop your own voice.
19. Day one is the point of no return.
20. A badge of honor is to fail a film theory class.
21. Chance is the lifeblood of cinema.
22. Guerrilla tactics are best.
23. Take revenge if need be.
24. Get used to the bear behind you.

I needed another few inches...

Just to give you an idea of how nitpicky insane things can get… As you watch my stream, I prefer to have my gaze directed at the center of my screen. So as I sit in the lower left corner of your screen, I want the angle of my gaze to be directed at the middle of your screen. It just makes sense to me for it to be that way.

And it hasn’t been that way since I was sitting in my lounge chair many months ago. When I was sitting in that chair, my ass was only a few inches off the ground and I was looking up at my tv. Since then, I got this fancy new chair and desk, and now as I stream the angle of my gaze is actually down quite a bit from center.

Here’s a pretty awful distorted photo of the way things are.


See that? My TV is actually pretty darned low.

I could lower my chair a little bit, and lower my desk. The problem with that is the angle on my knees will be messed up and my back will start to hurt. Really the only thing to do is to raise up the entire TV, and there’s only one way to do that, and that’s the hard way.

First I had to figure out how to get my tv off the wall mount, and put it somewhere safe.


I unhooked it from the mount and placed it next to the pandemic toilet paper supply. Safest spot in the whole neighborhood.

Now I gotta move the mount up.


I’d been thinking of raising it 4” but I worked out the angle of the dangle using a laser and found that if I was going to make a difference, the mount would need to go up at least 8”. I grabbed a sheet of office paper and used the 8.5” width of the paper as my template.

Time to screw!


At this point, I’m totally sweating my ass off. It wasn’t because the work was difficult, it was just that I was nervous as heck about my tv just leaning over on the toilet paper cases. I was pretty sure it’d either just tip over or Odin would come raging into the room and knock it over.

After a fair amount of screwing and cursing, I got La to help me put the tv back on the mount.

There was just one minor problem.

The light to the left of the tv (to my right) was now in front of the tv, casting glare on the tv screen and preventing me from turning the tv so that I can see it from the couch when I’m loafing during the day, watching Star Trek.

No big deal, right? Just raise the light, right? Wrong! My camera mount is attached to the same section of pole as my light, so moving the light up moves my camera up at the same time.

After some gnashing of teeth and more cursing, and a whole lot of fidgeting and adjusting, I moved the light and the camera up and then readjusted the light.

And now here we are.


Now, I know it doesn’t look like much, but that TV is now 8.5” higher up than it was. The light on my front right is also higher up, and my camera is in the same place as it was before, give or take a hair or so.

All that just so that the angle of my gaze can be a little more toward the center of the screen on my stream.

I promise I’m not panicking, butt…


Just a touch of tenderness is all I need. Just a touch. I usually get the big 30 packs from Costco. I’ve got one full 30 pack and two small 6 packs left over from the last case. Honestly, with this additional 196 rolls we should be set for quite some time.

More importantly, I should have enough extra to help out my neighbors if things get rough.

La has been watching social media and yesterday things started to get really panicky out there, lots of reports of toilet paper, soap, and hand sanitizer being sold out everywhere, including all the area Costco’s.

Me? I’m not panicking about Covid-19 itself. We were in Hawaii a week ago and I’m convinced there’s a good chance we could have been exposed there. If incubation is two weeks, this coming weekend should get interesting.

Bit I’m still not panicking because, like Battlefield, it isn’t till it is.

Troubleshooting the mysterious OBS crashes


Over the last week or so, certainly in the week since I’ve been back from vacation, I’ve had an unusually high number incidents of OBS crashing during the stream. I also had one case where my entire system froze and rebooted. In all these cases, I neglected to note the exact time and didn’t gather crash logs.

It’s unusual because in the year and a half since I’ve had this computer, I’ve broadcasted on twitch just about every day for about three hours each time, and I’ve even done a few 24 hour marathons and haven’t had any crashes whatsoever. A bunch of crash incidents in a week’s time has really caught my eye.

Now, I’m an odd-ball and my setup is unusual: I play on an Xbox One X and I stream from a 2018 MacBook Pro running OS X 10.15.3 via OBS version 24.0.6. But like I said, this setup has been rock solid for a long time.

I’ve got three theories for the crashes:

  1. It could have something to do with the latest versions of OS X and OBS not playing nice. It’s happened before. Late last year for about 4 months I couldn’t click on the OBS icon without it instantly crashing if a camera was plugged in. The only way I could run OBS and keep streaming was by running it via the command line. I also found out that OBS will crash if I attempt to use 1Password in Safari. Something to do with both programs using macros.

  2. It might be that my hardware is just wearing out. Generally speaking, the MacBookPro runs at about 175F with 45-60% processor utilization while I stream. Since I do this every day for three hours at a shot, it may just be that all that heat over time may be wearing out the hardware insides of this thing. I have no idea how to tell if this is the case, but I still have to wonder.

  3. About a week or so before I left for vacation, I installed Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, and Bridge. We’re back to using Adobe for our photography studio (it’s a long story). When these programs are installed, there’s all kinds of supporting software that’s also installed and running all the time, like Creative Cloud and all kinds of various bits of whatnot that run to make sure I’m properly licensed, everything is synced with the cloud and so forth. Who the hell knows how adding all the Adobe stuff to the already complicated relationship between OS X and OBS might screw things up?

I began the troubleshooting process yesterday in earnest by removing a bunch of installed applications that I never or rarely use, along with Chrome and Firefox just to be safe. Then I uninstalled all the Adobe apps, then ran everything in CleanMyMac to square things away. Finally I rebooted, made sure everything was running ok, then shut the system down completely. I then fired it up and streamed on Sunday afternoon from about Noon to 4pm.

During my test stream, the only thing that crashed was Battlefield V itself. No crashes during my regular 6:30pm - 9pm evening stream either.

This was only one session with Adobe stuff uninstalled. And while it’ll suck if Adobe is the culprit, it’s not nearly as bad as if the problem is with OS X and OBS or a hardware problem.

And I really don’t want it to be a hardware problem. Look, I’m a Mac guy through and through. Apple is planning on using their own ARM chips instead of Intel in their next generation of Macs starting in 2021. I really don’t want to have to get a new Mac before then, so this one really needs to last for awhile longer.

Traded One Problem For Another



About three days ago, the Stream Preview section in Stream Manager on Twitch stopped showing me the preview video for the live stream. I restarted Safari, rebooted my Mac, nothing worked. I briefly tried Firefox and Chrome and it was working fine there.

I finally got around to properly troubleshooting the issue today. I opened up Safari and Chrome, opened the Twitch Stream Manager, fired up OBS and hit the Start Streaming button. Video came up in Stream Preview in Chrome but not Safari. I went into Safari > Preferences > Manage Website Data and hit the “Remove All” button and wiped out all the website data in Safari to have a clean slate.

I restarted Safari, had Chrome running, hit the “Start Streaming” button in OBS and… nothing happened. I hit it a few more times, nothing. I brought the machine downstairs and plugged it into the rest of the rig, hit the “Start Streaming” button in OBS and still, nothing happened.

I hit the “Stream To Twitch” button on my Stream Deck and OBS started streaming just fine — video in the Stream Preview pane came up in both Chrome and Safari so… THAT problem is fixed, but now I’ve got this other problem with OBS, and the weird thing is I don’t know how long I’ve had the problem because pretty much 100% of the time when I start or stop my stream, I do so via the button on my Stream Deck.

I know my Mac is up to date and I’m running the latest version of OBS for Mac which as of today is 24.0.6.

So there you go, I wound up trading one problem for a different problem.

But that’s kind of the way things are on OBS for Mac. For a few months last year I had to run OBS from the command line in Terminal because launching it from the app icon would cause it to crash as soon as it detected an external camera source after updating OS X to Catalina.

If I gotta stand on my head to get it to run it’s fine with me as long as it works.

And here we have the shipping department


Alright, well, the shipping department sits atop my coffee table, which is actually an old toy chest filled with blankets. And my postal scale is actually my kitchen scale.

Yes, it’s taking me a darned long time to transition from the cookie cutter “merch store” offered by Streamlabs to my very own online store. Right now I’m digging into figuring out shipping.

I’m pretty much approaching this the same way I approached setting up my streaming rig. I figured out how I wanted things to run and I set about figuring out how to get things to actually run that way.

See, I want to be able to charge you guys fair prices for the items that I offer and give you the best, cheapest shipping price up front, and it’s looking like it’s gonna cost me a lot to set things up that way. I’ll have to upgrade my website to the most expensive plan and I’ll have to set up a third party service to populate the site with the latest shipping rates based on a customer’s location.

I’ve been using the Gaylord Loot Pile Giveaway as a stress test for my current shipping setup, and while it’s taking me a long time to ship these things out, I’m learning all the ins and outs of packaging, shipping rates, international shipping rates, customs, and so on.

I really didn’t think it would be this complicated but, in the end, it’ll all be for the good.

Way The Heck Up In The Rafters At The Gaylord In Nashville, TN


I’ve seen the balconies from down below many times and just now figured out how to get up here, and the view at night is incredible. This is a panoramic image from my iPhone. And yes, I got totally dizzy while taking the photo.

The orange lights are above a giant fountain display. They’re changing up the lights for some Home Depot Pro exhibition and the words “Home Depot Pro” float around the fountain area in the lights. Really neat.