About three days ago, the Stream Preview section in Stream Manager on Twitch stopped showing me the preview video for the live stream. I restarted Safari, rebooted my Mac, nothing worked. I briefly tried Firefox and Chrome and it was working fine there.
I finally got around to properly troubleshooting the issue today. I opened up Safari and Chrome, opened the Twitch Stream Manager, fired up OBS and hit the Start Streaming button. Video came up in Stream Preview in Chrome but not Safari. I went into Safari > Preferences > Manage Website Data and hit the “Remove All” button and wiped out all the website data in Safari to have a clean slate.
I restarted Safari, had Chrome running, hit the “Start Streaming” button in OBS and… nothing happened. I hit it a few more times, nothing. I brought the machine downstairs and plugged it into the rest of the rig, hit the “Start Streaming” button in OBS and still, nothing happened.
I hit the “Stream To Twitch” button on my Stream Deck and OBS started streaming just fine — video in the Stream Preview pane came up in both Chrome and Safari so… THAT problem is fixed, but now I’ve got this other problem with OBS, and the weird thing is I don’t know how long I’ve had the problem because pretty much 100% of the time when I start or stop my stream, I do so via the button on my Stream Deck.
I know my Mac is up to date and I’m running the latest version of OBS for Mac which as of today is 24.0.6.
So there you go, I wound up trading one problem for a different problem.
But that’s kind of the way things are on OBS for Mac. For a few months last year I had to run OBS from the command line in Terminal because launching it from the app icon would cause it to crash as soon as it detected an external camera source after updating OS X to Catalina.
If I gotta stand on my head to get it to run it’s fine with me as long as it works.