Something Really Fishy Is Going On With The Numbers On

Something strange is going on with the ranks over on

Since I switched from Xbox to PC last June, I’ve been watching my numbers there pretty closely to track my progress. A few weeks ago my pilot rank was in the top .4% on Origin. Then for a few days my rank bounced between .4% and .3%, and as recently as a day or so was steady at .3%.

Here’s a screenshot from January 12th, 2021, just 23 days ago:


Now, I typically play daily. The last few weeks have been pretty rough with hackers and stacks and only six West Coast US servers up when I play, and the rounds have been really tough. Also note that in the 23 days between screenshots, I’ve spent over 48 hours alone flying planes. Take a look at my numbers from this morning:


As you can see, my Pilot Score went up by over 400,000 points, but my rank on the Pilot Score leaderboard went down from 0.4% to 0.6%.

My Kills went up by 1,300 but my rank on the Pilot Kills leaderboard went down from 0.3% to 0.4%.

My Score Per Minute went up slightly, and my Score/min rank stayed the same. Makes sense.

Check this out though… my Kills Per Minute stayed the same at 0.80 but my Kills Per Minute Rank dropped from 6% to 12%!!!

What The Hell Is Going On?

Well, it could mean that an unusually large number of pilots that are ranked at or around my level or higher have started playing again and scoring lots of points, so much so that they’ve managed to push my rank down in spite of the fact that I play daily. That would be really strange.

It’s more likely though that there’s some kind of problem with the way the data is being handled or reconciled at I’m going to reach out to their support team to see if they’ve seen anything unusual or to check to see if there’s something happening on their end.

But gosh, with all the hacking that I’ve seen going on in Battlefield V - I see it daily - I have to wonder if some new flying hack has entered the wild.

Stay tuned on this one…