Here's where I started the night with Local. I came in part way through and went 26-5. Just total stud mode, thinking this is going to be an amazing night.
Local disappears and it's just myself and Moelman and we get crushed. Here's where the malevolent force descends upon us and never lets us go. Alpha and Bravo were on lockdown from a coordinated defensive effort by the opposite team. It was a complete instant death no-go zone. If I spawned there, I fled and died. Unbelievable.
Let's bail on that server and jump back in on the same map. Different verse, same as the first. My butt? Hurt.
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie? Locked down and this was on another different server. Moelman and myself blamed each other for picking the server but this time around it was totally my fault.
Time for smartass Moelman to pick a server. Nice pick, asshole. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Another nice pick. We did a hair better but it was still a complete butt-whipping. That was enough for me, lol.